
Savvy Storage Tips

by Susan C.

Has your home been taken over by bird furniture, food and accessories?  Are there more bird dishes than ‘human’ dishes in your dish drainer?

  • Dedicate a kitchen cabinet or pantry shelf exclusively to bird items.
  • If you have multiple birds and/or large birds, use a child’s toy box or flip-top storage box for their toys.
  • Shake your bird’s cage cover outdoors each day to remove dust, then fold it neatly and store it underneath the cage if it has a cabinet or shelf. Alternatively, use a pants hanger and hang the cover in a coat closet.
  • Use a microwave cart as a stand for small to medium-sized cages. They usually come with shelves or cabinets underneath and these are handy for storing bird supplies.
  • Purchase a plastic cabinet (sold for use in garages and basements) for your bird’s supplies. The plastic is pest-resistant and easy to clean.
  • If your bird’s food does not come in a re-closable bag or canister, store small quantities of seed and pellets in glass jars or kitchen canisters for everyday use.
  • Store large quantities of seed in new plastic trash cans with lids. Store in a cool, dry area.
  • Check expiration dates on packages prior to purchase and do not add fresh food to stored food. Purchase only as much food as your bird will consume within a month or two.
  • Store pellets where they will not be compromised by dampness.
  • Read package instructions and consult pellet manufacturers for specific storage instructions.
  • Store most fresh fruit and vegetables in the refrigerator. Fruit may be left at room temperature to ripen and then  refrigerated. Wash all produce just before preparing it for your birds. Don’t forget to wash bananas and cantaloupe before cutting into them. There may be bacteria on the skin! Fruit and vegetables ripen and spoil at different rates. Store varieties separately in plastic bags or storage containers. Berries can often be stored in their original containers. Remove any moldy or spoiled fruit from packages immediately.
  • Recycle! Put leftover seed and pellets out for the wild birds. Use the wood chips from toys as mulch around outdoor plants.